Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lecture Phase: Week 11

This time next week, we'll be in Albania!

Our speaker this week was Leah Broomfield, from Canada! (The Canadian in me was happy).  She spoke on the topic of Biblical Worldview, which is a really interesting topic! Leah challenged us immensely on how we thought, and she asked us many questions to get us to think about these topics for ourselves!

What exactly is a worldview you ask? It's essentially the way in which an individual see the world.  Therefore, having a biblical worldview is just how we see the world through a biblical framework! It involves both the seen and unseen worlds.

As Christians, we tend to have a fixation on the 'door' of salvation - it's all about bringing people to know God and have an intimate relationship with Him.  While we should strive to do this, we also need to remember the rest of the mansion, His kingdom on Earth! When a person is saved, what happens then? This also needs to be looked at.

We looked at how we can have a biblical worldview in 8 different areas - Economics, Science, Government, Church, Families, Education, Communication and the Arts - these tend to be considered "Spheres of Influence".  Leah got us to examine different passages in the Bible, and try to draw out what God was saying/what God was trying to give us! This was neat, since we mainly looked at Deuteronomy, and saw how God is relevant for us today through all the "laws" He gave to the Israelites!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, YWAM Harpenden had their Community Days - a time when all their team plants come back to the main base, and we have a time of fellowship, worship, prayer, etc.  We joined in for their worship times, and the base joined us in BB Hall for meals - it got busy and full pretty fast! It was great being able to interact with the whole community for those two days! On Wednesday evening, we finished off with a Love Feast in the Chapel - it was pretty neat! Somehow fit everyone in there to eat - it was Middle-Eastern themed, so we sat on the floor the entire time!

On Friday, we had our last Local Evangelism time in Luton, some were able to have meaningful conversations with other people, one girl that one of our trainees has been speaking to over the past few weeks gave her life to Jesus! Praise the Lord! It was very exciting to hear that!

At church for Easter Sunday, we put daffodils on a cross (not entirely sure of the reasoning for this)
"One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple."
Psalm 27:4

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Lecture Phase: Week 10

Less than 2 weeks until we fly to Albania - time flies by so fast here!

Sunset this week

This week, Emmanual Entee from the base spoke on the topic of Spiritual Warfare.  He recognized that we're on the tenth week, and we've been saturated with knowledge, so material-wise, it was a bit of a lighter week!

Some quick points I took away from the week:

  • Hurrying is one of the most dangerous weapons the enemy uses to undermine our authority in prayer - we don't take care to protect ourselves and actively engage in prayer
  • It's important to submit our surroundings to the Lord before we pray, we so easily get distracted by the things around us, and by submitting this to the Lord, we are able to be more focused
  • What exactly is spiritual warfare? It's collaborating with God to:
    • Recognize the strategies/plans of the enemy
    • Refuse to cooperate with the strategies/plans of the enemy
    • Aggressively cutting off the strategies/plans and influence of the enemy over individuals, people and places
  • The enemy has no power over us, unless we give him the right - we can't stop birds from flying overhead, but we can stop them from building a nest on our heads; in a similar way, we can't stop thoughts from entering our head, but we can refuse to allow them to remain and fester!
  • The greatest satisfaction the enemy gets is for humanity to not walk in the glory and purpose of God
Last weekend, once all the people from the September DTS had left, the boys all moved into one bedroom! It's been a pretty fun week living together in one room!

On Sunday, there was a baby shower for Amanda - one of our staff members, so all the people from my DTS showed up!  Sunday evening, we had a guys night, and played Apples to Apples for a few hours!

This week, we did something called Angles and Mortals - we drew names of people in our DTS (staff included) out of a hat last week, and we were the "Angel" for that "Mortal".  On each day this week (Monday to Friday), we had to find a way to bless our Mortal - however we felt led by the Lord!  It was a great week of loving and blessing each other.  Bible verses, crafts, food, stories, and even plums stuffed in balloons were some of the few things that were 'blessed' upon each other this week!  At the end of the week, on Friday evening, we had a Love Feast, where a meal was prepared for us, and we were able to love on each other and just have a great time of fellowship.  We revealed who's Angels we were, and had a time of public affirmations of our Mortals - some people had figured out who their Angel was, others were pleasantly surprised!

The Love Feast table - great night of food and fellowship!

On Tuesday evening, we had a Community Culture night, led by the ECO (English Cultural Orientation) staff and students - they are finishing up their school, and it was a great evening of tasting different ethnic foods, and experiencing different dances and cultures!

The ECO students and staff performing a song

No explanation needed! We're a very diverse base, and people come from all around the world!

One of our DTS trainees was short on funds, and if they didn't come in by this past Friday, he would not have been able to come on outreach with the rest of the team.  But God is faithful, and the trainee saw about a thousand pounds come in throughout the course of the week! So awesome and encouraging to see!

"I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies."
- 2 Samuel 22:4

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lecture Phase: Week 9

Sky over the Oval this week - credit to Kayla Crandell

Less than 3 weeks until we head out to Albania! Crazy!

This week, we had Connie Taylor from YWAM Cambridge (sound familiar? That's where we're going after Albania!) speaking on Evangelism and Fear of the Lord.  She definitely could've come flying into the classroom on a whirlwind - she has energy to the moon and back!

Connie has been with YWAM for many years, and she has a wealth of experience in sharing the Gospel with others.  It was very encouraging to hear story after story of how she has been a vessel in helping others get to know Christ as our Lord and Saviour!

The class with Connie - credit to Kayla Crandell

There is so much more to having a relationship with God our Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit than just believing that there's a God... the enemy also believes there's a God!

"So many people tiptoe through life, so carefully, to arrive, safely, at death."
- Tony Campolo 
We need to live in and out of the overflow of the Father's love for us! It's not enough for us to just walk through life quietly to arrive at death safely!

What is the Fear of Man?

1. Caring more about what people think of us than what God thinks of us.  Saul lost his kingdom when he gave into the fear of man (1 Samuel 15)!
2. Not wanting to offend people
3. When we're more concerned about pleasing people than pleasing God. We can't be people pleasers and please God! (Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.")

On Tuesday, we had a time of repentance in class for allowing the spirit of the fear of man take root in us - it was quite powerful!  Then on Wednesday, we went into Luton to put into practice what Connie was teaching us, and evangelize to the people on the street! On Thursday, we had a time of being baptized by the Spirit (I'm not sure how to explain it on here, but if you want to know more, send me a message, and I can try my best to explain it!).

In Luton for Local Evangelism

In Luton for Local Evangelism

Last Sunday, Nathan, Kayla and I, along with some other YWAM staff, led the service at our church! It was fun being able to bring some life into an otherwise quiet and traditional-type church.. We sang more modern songs, and made everything a bit more interactive!  It was also Mother's Day in the UK, so there were some flowers and things geared for that.  In the UK, Mother's Day originated from Mothering Sunday, which was a day when people would go back to their "mother church".  As far as I've heard, Mothering Sunday isn't really a big thing anymore.

During the Mother's Day service at URC - credit to Kayla Crandell

One of the big things that happened this week was on Tuesday night, the September DTS had their graduation ceremony!  It was a great evening of laughters, tears (for them!), food and dancing! Some of the trainees in their DTS were trained prior to outreach on videography, and they each made a video about their separate outreaches (the Sept DTS went to Uganda, Cambodia and Greece). The videos were very inspiring, and myself and Kayla were inspired and motivated to press forward with our training! I'm excited for how it's going to turn out!  Quite a few of the trainees had family come from all around the world to see them graduate!  

The September DTS at their graduation - photo credit goes to YWAM

There was a photobooth at the graduation!

Getting some training with Noel!

From Wednesday to Saturday, the September DTS trainees slowly moved out to go back home, and onto whatever God has in store for them! We got so used to them living here, the building seems so quiet and empty now... 

On Thursday night, the January DTS had a fun evening together - we played Telephone Pictionary! Basically a combination of Telephone and Pictionary - everybody wrote down a sentence on a piece of paper, then when the time was up, we passed the stack of papers to the person on our left.  They then had to draw a picture of what the sentence said, and put the sentence on the bottom of the stack.  When the time was up, the stack of papers was passed to the left again, and we had to write a sentence based on the picture we saw.  The picture was put on the bottom of the stack, and the stack was passed on again - this repeated itself until the stack reached the original person - we had a lot of fun reading them out at the end! My original sentence of "The telephone wearing a scarf on a skateboard in jail" came back to me as "sun and mountains" - definitely made sense!

Us dying during Telephone Pictionary - credit to Kayla Crandell

On Friday, we went into Luton again for local evangelism - but one of our trainees felt prompted to play worship in the square by the mall - so we worshipped in the square for a good hour and a half! It was really good, and we were able to strike up meaningful conversations with people who passed by and asked us about what we were doing!

Getting crazy on the way into Luton for Local Evangelism

That evening was Unveiled Worship in the Chapel - just a time of worshipping however you feel led to, and soaking in the presence of the Father.  It's always a great time! Some people dance, some paint, some sculpt, others sing along, and some just sit and soak in the music!

Saturday was beautiful - a rare occasion in England! The weather was quite warm, and the sun was out, so a bunch of us played frisbee on the Oval (the grass) for a good part of the afternoon! 

Frosty morning on the Oval this week

"The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death."
- Proverbs 14:27

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Lecture Phase: Week 7 and Week 8

I spent about 3 hours putting together last week's blog post (Week 7), I made a slight error, and I lost the whole thing! So, apologies for not having a post last week - I just didn't feel like writing it up again! I'll include a short(ish) summary of what happened that week!
* Edit - I apologize in advance for the long post!

Week 7:

Our speaker for the week was Fiona Gifford, from a YWAM Base in Cape Town, South Africa (Muizenberg), and she spoke on the topic of Discipleship and the Lordship of Christ - it's a very broad topic, and she spoke on a variety of unrelated, but relevant topics!  One thing that really stood out to me from her, as a speaker, she really met us where we were at!  She took the time to meet up with us throughout the week to get to know each of us individually.

What exactly is Lordship (of Christ)?  Basically, it's metaphorically bowing the knee to the Lord - including Him in all our decisions and keeping Him in everything we do.

Fiona is a very interactive speaker, and we did many unique exercises throughout the week that helped reinforce the topic!  One such exercise involved pairing up with a person of the same gender, looking them in the eye, and asking God for a revelation of how He sees that person - very awkward and strange at first, lots of nervous laughter, but in the long run it was quite profound, and helped us to see our fellow trainees in a new light!

In James 4:6, it says that God opposes the proud - that's quite a powerful statement!  God resists pride because He is humble - He puts humanity first!  We think of pride as being something most of us don't really have - maybe we're not snobbish and aloof or whatever - BUT there's actually quite a bit more to pride than that!  First of all, there are 2 aspects of pride - Superior Pride, which most people think of when they think of pride (the typical statement would be "I am better than you"), and Inferior Pride ("You are better than me").  One thing that came up in Superior Pride that stood out was that perfectionism is one aspect of it.  It is honouring to give God all that we have, and give Him our best, but who are we to say that we won't do something at all because we can't do it perfectly?  Inferior Pride often comes into play when we dwell in self-pity - we consider others better than ourself (in a negative way).  Interesting things to think of..

We also talked about the differences between Flattery, Compliments and Encouragement, what reactions and responses were about, Stubborness, Independence and Feedback; However, I don't have the time to talk about all of those things!

On Friday (the 26th), we had our second gig night.  The bands were definitely better this time around!  I was assigned to the bar, taking food orders for hot dogs and chips (french fries), and selling fizzy drinks (pop), tea, and water.  It's hard to have conversations in the noise, but I have the added benefit of being able to lipread! There were a lot more teens this time that came drunk and under the influence of other things, but it was just a great opportunity to love on them!

On Saturday (the 27th), a few of the DTS went into St. Albans with one of the YWAM base staff to a local church that was hosting a free Community Day.  We were volunteering in a prayer room, praying for different people coming in that wanted prayer!  It was a great time of just serving the community, even though we didn't have to be there!  That evening, one of my fellow trainees organized a surprise campfire/party for another trainee who was just accepted to Medical school!  DTS isn't just all work and no play - we have plenty of fun times!

Hanging out by the fire!

The campfire!

Throughout the weekend (Friday and Saturday), the September DTS started returning from their outreaches to Cambodia, Uganda and Greece (on The Next Wave - a ship ministry).  It's been an interesting week getting to know these new people (who are awesome people), and learning to share Number 9 (our residential building) with them!  They all have unique stories from their DTS experience and outreaches!  This DTS is the All Nations, All Generations (ANAG) DTS - they have trainees from 18, 19 all the way up into their 60's!  Goes to show that you're never too young to do a DTS - I strongly encourage anyone who feels like doing a DTS to do one - age is not a limiting factor!

The September ANAG DTS - credit for photo goes to YWAM Harpenden

Week 8:

Well, now I can write about this week!  On Sunday, my roommate and I stopped by a burger stand on the way home from church, and we saw they had crocodile burgers, so in order to "prove that man is mightier than the crocodile" (my roommate's words, not mine), we got a burger to try! It was actually quite good!

Definitely a unique food to try! Especially in England..

Our speaker for the week was Anne Sloan from the YWAM Harpenden Base, and she spoke on Identity, "Who Am I?"

We talked quite a bit during the week our Identity in Christ, then looked at different personality traits that we have.  This was a crucial week, because it helped us to understand ourselves, and by understanding who we are, and why we act the way we do, we can use our gifts in ministry more effectively.

Extroversion (E) vs Introversion (I):
- Extroversion: these people focus on the outer world, of people around them, and what is happening.  They get their energy from being with people and engaging in activities.  They usually say what they are thinking, they act first and think later, tend to be sociable and expressive.  Only when they don't have as much energy, they step into their inner world
- Introversion: these people focus on the inner world of ideas, experiences and memories.  They are energized by time alone to reflect and think.  They think things through, and keep their thoughts to themselves - think first and act later!
- This does NOT mean that extroverts like people, and introverts don't - it's all about where you get your energy from!

Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N):
- Sensing: these people take in information with their five senses, they pay attention to the 'here and now', they tend to be practical people with common sense!  They are observant about the details around them, like detail and instruction.  They value a methodical step-by-step approach to situations, want to know the practical applications or results to things. Approximately 76.5% of people have Sensing
- Intuition: these people tend to have their information come in from a 'sixth sense', they trust their hunches and intuitions.  They focus on the big picture, and want to see patterns and new possibilities, however, they may get facts wrong (not important to them), and can be misunderstood because of this.  They are very visionary, and anticipate the future.  They let imagination and inspiration be their guide

Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F):
- Thinking: these people base themselves on principles, they weigh the pros and cons to situations, want to be logical, try to be the best, seek to find the truth, decide with their head, are embarrassed by failure.  They care that flaws are discovered, and share these with other people in an effort to 'care for them'.  Key words relating to these people are Justice and Truth
- Feeling: these people tend to concern themselves with the impact that a decision may have on people, they need harmony in their outer world and strive for a harmonious outcome.  They are empathetic, decide with their heart, are embarrassed by disapproval.  They prefer not to critique others, but try to find appreciative comment in an effort to 'care for them'.  Key words relating to these people are Mercy and Compassion

Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P):
- Judging: these people like to have an ordered life, they like to be in control of their environment.  They will avoid problems by planning ahead, and trying to anticipate situations.  They try to avoid last minute stresses, enjoy finishing things (like closure), feel that work comes before play, and want to have things settled and in a routine
- Perceiving: these people are spontaneous, flexible, solve problems as they come up, leave scheduling open as long as possible, believe that much is accomplished at the last minute, are energized by last minute pressures, enjoy starting things (but don't have to finish!), enjoy surprises and feel that play and work coexist

A few weeks back, we filled out a (reliable) questionnaire to determine our personality types, and we received them back this week.  I am an ISTJ - Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging - personality type.  Very interesting, and eye opening for why we act certain ways when we are children!  We were also given a plethora of information on our personality types (there are 16 possible combinations), and the information was what the tendency for the individual personality types tend to be amongst the general population of that type.  Neat stuff!

We also learned a bit about how our brains work, and how that can affect us!  The inner biologist in me really enjoyed that talk!

While this week may not have sounded very "Christian" if you will, it was actually very necessary for us to understand who we are made to be, so that we can fully engage with whatever ministries we go into in the future!

Life this week with the September DTS has been exciting and interesting as we learned how to live with them! BB Hall (the place we eat) has been very full, and the tables are always full!  They started breakfast a bit earlier than us when they were here before, so they are always there when it starts! Good start to the day!  Since they are still doing their DTS, they still have work duties, so I am thankfully not alone on breakfast! 

Myself and another trainee are meeting with a staff on the base who does a lot of videography and photography stuff to receive training for how we can take better photos and videos when we go on outreach.  Some DTS' come back with selfies and photos of the scenery (which isn't a bad thing!), but they have nothing from the things they actually did, and the ministries they were a part of, which is why we're doing this!

This past week has been a really interesting week spiritually - God's been remoulding some very core things in my life!  We've also encountered quite a bit of demonic resistance this week (I debated whether or not to include this, but figured I might as well).  We have the power in Christ to defeat the enemy, and whenever we came across these situations, we have prayed, worshipped, and banished the enemy!  I don't know how many times I can say this, but it's really been interesting and eye-opening!

On Thursday night, we has a time to "enter the Father's House".  The classroom was set up with a few different stations for us to peruse as we felt led to.  There was a banqueting table in the middle of the room to feast at and enjoy the presence of the Father with some others.  I won't go into too much detail, but it was a good and cleansing evening!

On Friday, we had our local evangelism in Luton again.  This week, we were challenged to be more intentional with praying for people as we felt led to.  My prayer partner and I only had 2 encounters with people, but they were very emotionally trying encounters.  God has been working in our hearts, helping us to see people how He sees them!  

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1
I don't think I've really introduced my DTS - here they are!

The Classroom

BB Hall - Where we eat