Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lecture Phase: Week 11

This time next week, we'll be in Albania!

Our speaker this week was Leah Broomfield, from Canada! (The Canadian in me was happy).  She spoke on the topic of Biblical Worldview, which is a really interesting topic! Leah challenged us immensely on how we thought, and she asked us many questions to get us to think about these topics for ourselves!

What exactly is a worldview you ask? It's essentially the way in which an individual see the world.  Therefore, having a biblical worldview is just how we see the world through a biblical framework! It involves both the seen and unseen worlds.

As Christians, we tend to have a fixation on the 'door' of salvation - it's all about bringing people to know God and have an intimate relationship with Him.  While we should strive to do this, we also need to remember the rest of the mansion, His kingdom on Earth! When a person is saved, what happens then? This also needs to be looked at.

We looked at how we can have a biblical worldview in 8 different areas - Economics, Science, Government, Church, Families, Education, Communication and the Arts - these tend to be considered "Spheres of Influence".  Leah got us to examine different passages in the Bible, and try to draw out what God was saying/what God was trying to give us! This was neat, since we mainly looked at Deuteronomy, and saw how God is relevant for us today through all the "laws" He gave to the Israelites!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, YWAM Harpenden had their Community Days - a time when all their team plants come back to the main base, and we have a time of fellowship, worship, prayer, etc.  We joined in for their worship times, and the base joined us in BB Hall for meals - it got busy and full pretty fast! It was great being able to interact with the whole community for those two days! On Wednesday evening, we finished off with a Love Feast in the Chapel - it was pretty neat! Somehow fit everyone in there to eat - it was Middle-Eastern themed, so we sat on the floor the entire time!

On Friday, we had our last Local Evangelism time in Luton, some were able to have meaningful conversations with other people, one girl that one of our trainees has been speaking to over the past few weeks gave her life to Jesus! Praise the Lord! It was very exciting to hear that!

At church for Easter Sunday, we put daffodils on a cross (not entirely sure of the reasoning for this)
"One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple."
Psalm 27:4

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