Sunset this week
This week, Emmanual Entee from the base spoke on the topic of Spiritual Warfare. He recognized that we're on the tenth week, and we've been saturated with knowledge, so material-wise, it was a bit of a lighter week!
Some quick points I took away from the week:
- Hurrying is one of the most dangerous weapons the enemy uses to undermine our authority in prayer - we don't take care to protect ourselves and actively engage in prayer
- It's important to submit our surroundings to the Lord before we pray, we so easily get distracted by the things around us, and by submitting this to the Lord, we are able to be more focused
- What exactly is spiritual warfare? It's collaborating with God to:
- Recognize the strategies/plans of the enemy
- Refuse to cooperate with the strategies/plans of the enemy
- Aggressively cutting off the strategies/plans and influence of the enemy over individuals, people and places
- The enemy has no power over us, unless we give him the right - we can't stop birds from flying overhead, but we can stop them from building a nest on our heads; in a similar way, we can't stop thoughts from entering our head, but we can refuse to allow them to remain and fester!
- The greatest satisfaction the enemy gets is for humanity to not walk in the glory and purpose of God
Last weekend, once all the people from the September DTS had left, the boys all moved into one bedroom! It's been a pretty fun week living together in one room!
On Sunday, there was a baby shower for Amanda - one of our staff members, so all the people from my DTS showed up! Sunday evening, we had a guys night, and played Apples to Apples for a few hours!
This week, we did something called Angles and Mortals - we drew names of people in our DTS (staff included) out of a hat last week, and we were the "Angel" for that "Mortal". On each day this week (Monday to Friday), we had to find a way to bless our Mortal - however we felt led by the Lord! It was a great week of loving and blessing each other. Bible verses, crafts, food, stories, and even plums stuffed in balloons were some of the few things that were 'blessed' upon each other this week! At the end of the week, on Friday evening, we had a Love Feast, where a meal was prepared for us, and we were able to love on each other and just have a great time of fellowship. We revealed who's Angels we were, and had a time of public affirmations of our Mortals - some people had figured out who their Angel was, others were pleasantly surprised!
The Love Feast table - great night of food and fellowship!
On Tuesday evening, we had a Community Culture night, led by the ECO (English Cultural Orientation) staff and students - they are finishing up their school, and it was a great evening of tasting different ethnic foods, and experiencing different dances and cultures!
The ECO students and staff performing a song
No explanation needed! We're a very diverse base, and people come from all around the world!
One of our DTS trainees was short on funds, and if they didn't come in by this past Friday, he would not have been able to come on outreach with the rest of the team. But God is faithful, and the trainee saw about a thousand pounds come in throughout the course of the week! So awesome and encouraging to see!
"I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies."
- 2 Samuel 22:4
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